Showing 517–528 of 602 results

  • Tepezza 500 mg Injection
    In Stock

    Tepezza 500 mg Injection

    These injections prevent the tumor from growing by preventing the new blood vessels from growing. The infusion of Avastin is a medicine type referred to as a humanized monoclonal antibody.

    Avastin is very effective when used with other medicines meant to treat cancer and forms a first-line option in the treatment of the disease. These medicines are administered in the form of an infusion. So, the administration of Avastin is done into the vein with a small needle or through a device which is placed under the skin. The dosage and the duration for which the injection is to be administered is decided by a doctor.

  • Tezspire 210 mg/1.91ml Injection
    In Stock

    Tezspire 210 mg/1.91ml Injection

    These injections prevent the tumor from growing by preventing the new blood vessels from growing. The infusion of Avastin is a medicine type referred to as a humanized monoclonal antibody.

    Avastin is very effective when used with other medicines meant to treat cancer and forms a first-line option in the treatment of the disease. These medicines are administered in the form of an infusion. So, the administration of Avastin is done into the vein with a small needle or through a device which is placed under the skin. The dosage and the duration for which the injection is to be administered is decided by a doctor.

  • Thalix-50
    In Stock


    Point to Note


    If doctors feel so, the drug may be used to treat other ailments too even though it has been approved for one use only.


    How is the Drug to be given?


    • Oral intake as a capsule. The capsules are to be stored in a place that’s cool and dry and it should be protected from light
    • To avoid sleepiness, it should be taken at night just about an hour before going to bed
    • There are strict guidelines that need to be adhered to while taking this drug. A special program, the “System for Thalidomide Education and Prescribing Safety” (STEPS) has to be participated in. Patients are asked to fill in a questionnaire before taking the medicine. The drug is prescribed or dispensed only by certain pharmacists and doctors.


    The Common Side Effects


    While most side effects need no medical attention and subside as the body adjusts to the medicine, the doctor should be consulted if they persist. The common side effects are-

    • Nausea
    • Rash
    • Weakness
    • Dizziness
    • Headache
    • Sleepiness
    • Weight gain
    • Loss of appetite
    • Blood clots
    • Anxiety
    • Confusion


    How is the medicine to be taken?


    The medicine is to be taken as per the dosage advised by the doctor. It’s not to be chewed, crushed, or broken. Thalix 100 capsules should be taken on an empty stomach. These capsules work by modulating the working of the immunity system of the body. They attack the cancer cells indirectly.




    Thalix shouldn’t be taken by pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding. It’s however safe to be taken by patients with kidney and liver ailments.

  • Treosulfan
    In Stock


    The Method of Administration and Posology


    Depending on the blood count and concurrent chemotherapy, 3-8g/m2 i.v. should be administered every 1-3 weeks. Also, no adverse side effects have been seen after single injections of up to 8gm/2 have been administered. Intraperitoneal doses of up to 1.5g/m2 have been administered too. As a bolus injection, up to 3g/m2 doses may be given. Every 5-10 minutes, larger doses of 3g/m2 may be administered as I .v. infusion.


    Points to Note


    In case the white blood cell count is below 3.000/microlite or if the count of a thrombocyte is less than 100.000/microlite, the treatment should be avoided. If other cytotoxic drugs are being given or radiotherapy is being administered, Treosulfan should be given only in lower doses.

    Extravasation into the tissues should be avoided at all costs so that no pain and tissue damage is caused. In the case of extravasation, the medicine should immediately be discontinued and the medicine left should be introduced to a separate vein.




    As Treosulfan is excreted really, the blood count should be monitored consistently in the elderly and the dosage should be adjusted accordingly. It’s not to be used in children.




    The administration of Treosulfan raises the chances of infection, mycotic, bacterial or viral. There may be contraindications like-

    • Patients being hypersensitive to the active substance
    • Bone marrow depression that’s severe and lasting

    While transfusion, a flawless technique should be used to avoid painful inflammatory reactions.