Showing 121–132 of 602 results

  • Celofem 2.5 mg Letrozole Tablet USP
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    Celofem 2.5 mg Tablet

    Celofem 2.5 mg is for postmenopausal women who have early and advanced breast cancer where tumors are positive hormone receptors. This is a tablet that works as a supportive therapy after you have undergone the main or first-line therapy. When you take this medicine, it works by blocking the aromatase enzyme which produces excess estrogen that triggers breast cancer. It alos helps to reduce the levels of the female reproductive hormone levels and stop the growth and spread to other body parts.

    Please remember that this medicine is for postmenopausal women, so if you have not had menopause yet, then positively notify your doctor. It is not for menstruating or premenopausal women because it reduces the female reproductive hormone levels. Always keep track of the cholesterol levels and even ask the doctor to monitor the bone parameters. Another advice is for women to use birth control when going under this medication which needs to continue till 3 weeks after the last dosage.

  • Celostatin Lar 20 mg Octreotide Long-Acting Release Injection
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    Celostatin Lar 20 mg Injection

    Celostatin Lar 20mg Injection is administered by professional healthcare only for treating carcinoid tumors, acromegaly and bleeding esophageal varices. Doctors also use it to prevent complications post-pancreatic surgery. They are also responsible for deciding the dosage and duration of the medicine. No matter, whether you feel better or cannot see results, you need to continue the medicine for as long as the doctor says to. Be sure to share the complete medical history with the medical team.

  • Celrixafor 24 mg Plerixafor Injection
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    Celrixafor 20 mg Injection

    Celrixafor Injection is a treatment for the Autologous stem cell transplant in which certain blood cells are removed from the body during chemotherapy or radiation. After it has been finished, the blood cells are returned to the body.

    These injections are only to be given by qualified medical professionals who decide the right amount of dosage for the patient. It may change from time to time as per the health report. Using it in a cautionary manner as prescribed by the doctor is essential and must not be stopped until and unless the doctor tells to.

    Always provide the medical team with your medical history and whether you are consuming right now to help them make informed decisions. It should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding and if you are on this medicine, then it’s essential to avoid pregnancy at any cost.

  • Celstrol 160 mg Megestrol Acetate Tablet IP
    In Stock

    Celstrol 160 mg Tablet IP

    Celstrol 160 is a tablet that is used for breast cancer and endometrial cancer treatments that are hormone-dependent. Sometimes, they also use the tablet to address low appetite and weight loss in patients with advanced cancer or HIV.

    The doctors determine the usage of the tablet as per the patient’s health condition. The patients need to follow the doctor’s instructions and consume it with or without food. Always take it at the same time each day and continue to take it for as long as the doctor says. Some common side effects are temporary and go away with time. Consult the doctor if you are taking any additional medicines.