Miprogen gel

Miprogen gel is for women whose periods have been stopped and even as an infertility treatment. The direction to use it must beas per the doctor. As it is a natural female hormone, it helps to regulate your ovulation and menstruation. However, it is important to stick to the recommended duration for the medication.



We are an Indian manufacturer and exporter of Miprogengel,aiming to offer value and efficient services to our clients. The medicines are exported to Canada, Saudi Arabia, Germany, UAE, and many more countries.Kindly follow these steps to make sure that your treatment goes smoothly,

  • There will be a few common temporary side effects like feeling tired and headache.
  • However, if these side effectsbother your everyday life, consult your doctor immediately.
  • Share your complete medical history with the list of current medications to your doctor or healthcare team.
  • Inform your doctor if you have had breast cancer, liver disease, unusual bleeding, liver or kidney or heart problems, diabetes, or asthma.
  • Cooperate with the medical team, as there can be a few tests to be carried out before and during the treatment to check your womb.
  • Do not take alcohol while using this medication and also be careful not to drive any vehicle.

Benefits of Miprogen Vaginal Gel

In Female infertility

The Miprogenvaginal gel is a natural female hormone that helps to cause menstrual periods in women who want to get pregnant but cannot due to a lack of natural progesterone. As this hormone has a bigger role in preparing the uterus for pregnancy, the medicine increases the chance of a successful pregnancy. Moreover, follow thedoctor’sinstructions on how to and for how long to use this gel. They may even ask to continue this gel afterbecoming pregnant.

In Hormone Replacement Therapy

When a woman goes through menopause, she has the symptoms of

  • Hot Flushes
  • Mood Swings
  • Vaginal Dryness
  • Night Sweats
  • Reduced Sex Drive

However, taking the Miprogen vaginal gel will relieve you from these symptoms and improve your life and mood.

Common Side Effects of Miprogen

  • Bone, muscle, or joint pain
  • Abnormal menstrual bleeding
  • Fatigue
  • Vertigo
  • Headache
  • Joint pain

How to use Miprogen Vaginal Gel

  • Always follow the doctor’s instructions on dosage and duration.
  • Moreover, clean and dry the area before applying the gel.
  • Wash your hands positively after applying.
  • It is only for external use.

How Miprogen Vaginal Gel Works

  • The gel has the natural female hormone, progesterone.
  • Helps women in getting pregnant and maintaining it throughout.
  • The gel also avoids the increase in endometrium thickness caused by estrogen.


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