Co-Diovan 160/25 Tablet

Co-Diovan 160/25 is a tablet that is a combination of two medicines. There are various ways in which it helps to control an individual’s high blood pressure. It is helpful as high blood pressure, if left untreated, can lead to heart attacks, strokes and kidney failures.

To make sure it is effective, you should take it at the same time each day, with or without food. The dose generally depends on the patient’s condition and how well they respond to the medicine. Do not stop it mid-way, it’s best to use it until and unless the doctor says to stop taking it.



Little advice is not to consume the medicine within 4 hours of going to bed as it’s one way of working is to make you urinate more because of the diuretic or water pill it contains. Do not think of it as a side effect. Patients who are prone to high blood pressure must take it regularly even if they feel better as it decreases the risk of heart attack or stroke.

It is advised not to use this medicine if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. It must not be paired with any potassium supplements or salt substitutes until and unless the doctor has prescribed it. Kindly, confirm with the doctor on its usage if you have kidney or liver disease, diabetes or heart issues. Also, avoid alcohol consumption to its best.

Common Side Effects

  • Dizziness (Most common)
  • Feeling tired
  • Nausea
  • Headache


Two medicines, namely Valsartan and Hydrochlorothiazide are combined to form the Co-Diovan 160/25. They both have separate yet effective ways to control blood pressure effectively. Valsartan medicine relaxes and widens the patient’s blood vessels for easier blood flow, lowering the blood pressure.

Hydrochlorothiazide, on the other hand, is a water pill, also known as a diuretic that increases urine output which lowers blood pressure. Take the medicine regularly without any breaks and at the same time each day for more effective results. This will keep the hypertension or high blood pressure in check, and decrease the risk of kidney failure, heart attack or stroke.


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