The disease of Diabetes Mellitus affects the proper use of blood sugar (glucose) by our bodies. Glucose is vital to leading a healthy life as it’s an important source of energy for our cells that form our tissues and muscles. Glucose is also the main source of fuel for our brains. How diabetes is caused varies from type to type of the disease. Irrespective of the type of diabetes the person is afflicted with, it causes his blood sugar level to rise.

The increase in the blood sugar levels causes severe damage to the vital organs in our bodies which triggers other health ailments. Diabetes occurs when the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin or the cells in our bodies fail to receive the glucose. In both the instances, there’s an excess of glucose in the blood. Fatigue, irritation, tiredness, frequent urination, headache, weight loss, etc. are the common symptoms of diabetes. Diabetes severely affects our body organs like the kidneys and blood vessels.

It triggers cardiovascular ailments while the kidney damage results in the accumulation of impurities in the body. Diabetes is life-threatening and must be monitored constantly. It can be kept under check by having a healthy lifestyle and taking regular medication.

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